Sociology Liberal Arts Transfer Majors


Transfer Major Details and Suggested Courses

Program Details

Award Associate of Arts (AA)
Credits 60
Enrollment Full-time, Part-time
Program Start Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Format Face-to-Face, Hybrid, Online
Class Meets Day, evening, or a combination of both to fit your schedule
Admissions Application Select Academic Program:
Liberal Arts – AA (Sociology Transfer Major)
See Program Admission

Course Cost Calculation

Resident tuition and fees × course credits + course fee (if applicable)= Course Cost Calculation

The Course Cost Calculation is based on 2024–2025 tuition and fees and course fees.

The cost calculation does not include:

Planning Your Class Schedule

Students should consult with their Academic/College Success Advisor to select courses, make a transfer plan, and periodically review their progress towards their degree completion.

Students are also encouraged to contact the admissions office at the college to which they plan to transfer during their first year at Hawkeye in order to obtain specific program and transfer requirements.

Not all courses may be required for transfer to your future major.

Courses and course cost calculations are subject to change.

Show Course DescriptionsHide Course Descriptions

Term 1
ENG-105 Composition I O E 3 $675.00
SDV-108 The College Experience O E 1 $225.00
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology O 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 1
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Total Credits 14

Term 2
ENG-106 Composition II O E 3 $675.00
MAT-156 Statistics O E 3 $675.00
SOC-115 Social Problems O 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Total Credits 15

Term 3
POL-111 American National Government O E 3 $675.00
SOC-120 Marriage and Family O E 3 $675.00
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication O E 3 $675.00
SPC-112 Public Speaking 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course 3
Total Credits 15

Term 4
PSY-251 Social Psychology 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course with lab 4
Total Credits 16

See the Liberal Arts Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Requirements for the full list of courses and additional degree details.

Involvement Opportunities

Regardless of your major, one of the best things students can do to help them stand out is get involved! Getting involved on campus and in the community helps build your network, develop professional skills, and makes your resume more attractive to potential employers, scholarship committees, etc.

  • Join the Psych/Soc/SW hub in Canvas: This is a Canvas shell where you can learn about opportunities, events, ask/answer questions, and get general reminders/information from faculty and advisors in Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work. If you’re not already a member, send an email to Brittany Warren or Lisa Muñoz and we will add you!

  • Conference and workshop opportunities: Sociology students have joined faculty at conferences such as the Iowa Sociological Association annual conference for undergraduate research and presentations.

  • Honors Projects and Independent Studies: Have an interest in a particular topic that you want to explore? Work one-on-one with a faculty member to research that topic and earn college credit.

  • Field Experience and Service Learning: Want to learn more about community organizations and connect what you’re learning to the work those organizations do? Consider working with other students and faculty to create a service learning opportunity —locally, state-wide, or even a short-term study-abroad opportunity.

Program Contacts

Email Admissions 319-296-4000 Hawkeye Center 114
Academic/College Success Advisor
Brittany Warren Email Brittany Warren 319-296-4014 ext.1086 Hawkeye Center 208J

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